Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thing 23: In summary.....

My journey through the 23 Things has been an eventful and enjoyable one. I have learned much more than I expected to, and I hope that, by having kept my blog and some other notes, I will be able to revisit sites that I found most useful. Also, I have to keep in mind that just because a site doesn't seem useful to me now, doesn't mean it won't be useful to me at some point in the future.

Of course, the main thing I have learned is that the library world (as well as the world in general) is changing fast, and a program such as 23 Things is one way to keep in touch with these changes. The more I learn, the more it makes me aware of all the Things I don't know, so I can definitely see the need for being a "lifelong learner".

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